Step-by-Step Instructions for Investing in Bloq Fund
Set up MetaMask
Download MetaMask from the official website and follow the on-screen instructions to create a new wallet. Ensure you secure your seed phrase and confirm it accurately (Step 1 Details).
Add Polygon Network
Access MetaMask settings, add the Polygon network, and confirm the addition to enable seamless transactions on Polygon (Step 2 Details).
Buy USDT/POL (Polygon)
Initiate the buying process through MetaMask's portfolio, connect your wallet, choose the payment method, and follow the exchange instructions to acquire USDT/POL on Polygon (Step 3 Details).
Add USDT Token
Import the USDT token into your MetaMask wallet to track its balance, ensuring you have a small amount of POL to cover transaction fees (Step 4 Details).
Purchase Shares
Access Bloq Fund, connect your MetaMask wallet to Enzyme.Finance, ensure you're on the Polygon network, deposit funds (POL or USDT), and purchase shares (Step 5 Details).
Stay Informed
Stay updated and continue educating yourself about blockchain, regularly review your investments, and manage your portfolio based on your financial goals (Step 6 Details).